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Why Should You Have Your Septic Tank Pumped Out?

When wastewater flows into a septic tank, solid waste sinks to the bottom, forming a sludge layer. Meanwhile, lighter materials float to the top and form a layer of scum.

Over time, these layers build up and reduce the space available for new wastewater to enter. This can lead to clogs, backups, and expensive repairs. Contact Septic Tank Pump Out Perth now!

  1. Reduces Risk of Clogs

If you wait too long between pumping out your septic tank, the solids from the sludge layer will flow into your drain field and cause clogs. This clogs can damage your system and require expensive repairs. Septic tanks need to be pumped when the sludge level rises above about three-quarters of the water level.

The best way to avoid this issue is to have your septic tank inspected regularly by an experienced professional. You can also take steps to reduce the amount of waste that goes into your septic tank. For example, you can use drain filters that fit over all your drain holes and trap food scraps, soap scum, and hair before they go into the sewer system.

When a professional is hired to pump your septic tank, they’ll arrive in a truck that has a giant tank and a suction hose. When the tank is opened, the hose will literally “suck up” the sewage and transfer it into their truck to be hauled away. The waste will be taken to a sewage processing plant where it is processed and reused.

The septic tank professionals will inspect the septic system during the tank pumping process as well. This will help them determine the current state of the septic tank and system as well as make suggestions about how to keep it functioning properly. It’s important to remember that septic systems don’t like anything but toilet paper, human waste, and water. Never flush cat litter, coffee grounds, cigarette butts, handwipes, feminine hygiene products, diapers, kitty litter, or left over medications. Grease should also be disposed of in a proper manner rather than dumped down the drain.

A septic system is a complex system that requires expert maintenance. The best way to keep your septic tank from needing to be pumped out too frequently is to have it inspected by a professional every one to two years and pumped at least every three to five years. Additionally, you can prevent clogs by using drain filters and practicing moderation with everything that goes down your drains or is flushed down the toilet, including food scraps, grease, and household cleaners.

  1. Reduces Cost of Repairs

Getting your septic tank pumped regularly removes the waste that accumulates in the system. This keeps your drains flowing smoothly and prevents sewage odors from developing in the home. It also reduces the risk of expensive repairs down the road. A plumbing company in Chattanooga can handle the pumping process with ease and safety, so you don’t have to worry about doing it yourself.

How often you need to have your septic tank pumped depends on the amount of solid waste that goes into it. Your septic tank holds three types of solid waste: biodegradable “organic” solids, slowly biodegradable organic solids (like toilet paper), and non-biodegradable solids (like kitty litter). The more quickly-biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste you add to your septic tank, the more frequently it will need to be pumped.

Septic tanks that are never pumped become full of sludge, and the input and output pipes clog and back up. This can result in major plumbing damage that costs thousands of dollars to repair.

It can take a few weeks for the bacteria levels to return to normal after having the septic tank pumped. This is why it’s important to get your septic tank pumped when needed. Taking steps to maintain your septic tank system decreases the risk of costly issues and improves the lifespan of the entire septic system.

The best way to lower the cost of septic tank pumping is to limit the amount of solid waste that enters your septic system. This can be done by using less water, by spacing out laundry sessions throughout the week, and by avoiding flushing items that aren’t meant for the system (like cigarette butts, tissue paper, handwipes, left over medications, plastics, etc).

By taking care of your septic system and having it pumped out on a regular basis, you can rest assured knowing that your septic tank is protected from the costly issues that often occur when they are neglected. Contact a plumbing company in Chattanooga to schedule your next septic tank pumping today! This is one maintenance task that’s well worth the investment!

  1. Reduces Risk of Flooding

During a flood, the septic tank is likely to be pushed up out of the ground by the rising water. When this happens, the sludge layer could be forced out into the drainfield and cause clogs there. In addition, the water and sludge could seep into the home’s plumbing and cause flooding in rooms and bathrooms.

In order to reduce this risk, it is important to schedule your septic tank pump out as soon as you think it may be due. In addition, you can help prevent a septic tank flood by limiting your water usage during and after heavy rains. This means reducing toilet flushes, doing laundry off-site, and minimizing showers and baths.

When your septic tank gets pumped, the professional will use a truck that has a giant tank with a hose attached. This hose is placed into the septic tank and begins to suction up the waste. Once it is full, the waste will be stored in the truck and transported to a sewage processing plant where it will be safely handled.

Regularly scheduled septic tank pump outs can reduce the need for expensive repairs and save you from the potential health risks associated with toxic septic system waste. However, it is important to note that a septic tank needs regular maintenance and inspections in order to work properly. Avoid using septic tank additives that claim to eliminate the need for routine pumping. These additives can re-suspend solids, moving them from the septic tank to the drain field and causing clogs and system failure.

A septic tank should be pumped when the scum layer is within six inches of the bottom of the tank or when the sludge layer reaches 25% of the liquid depth. While the average septic tank will need to be pumped every three to five years, you can determine how often yours should be pumped by placing a measuring stick into the tank through the sludge and checking the velcro strip on the bottom of the tank.

When a septic tank is flooded, the contents can enter your home’s plumbing and cause flooding in your basement. In addition, the untreated septic waste can contaminate the surrounding environment and water sources. This can lead to the spread of bacteria and illness in your neighbors and family.

  1. Reduces Risk of Disease

If the septic tank isn’t pumped out as frequently as it should be, solid waste and sludge will build up inside the tank. It can also clog the drain field or cause the system to fail, which will result in sewage seepage. In these circumstances, the bacteria and other toxic substances that are in the sewage will enter the groundwater supply. This can lead to health problems for people who drink the water.

How often your septic tank needs to be pumped out depends on the size of the septic tank, how many people live in the home, and how much water is used. In most cases, it will need to be pumped out every three to five years. If you have a large family or use more water than average, it’s important to schedule pumping more regularly.

The septic tank is designed to remove solid waste from household wastewater before it seeps into the soil absorption field. This is important because if solids are left in the wastewater, they can clog the soil absorption field and prevent it from properly filtering the wastewater that leaves the house. The septic tank also helps to reduce the risk of sewage backup into the house and other plumbing failures.

Sewage odors that come from sinks, toilets, and showers are often a sign that it’s time to have the tank pumped out. It’s a good idea to hire a professional who will use a special vehicle with a vacuum hose to remove the waste from the tank. The process usually takes 30 – 60 minutes.

Some homeowners try to avoid septic tank pumping by using septic system additives that claim to eliminate the need for regular septic tank pumping. However, these additives usually re-suspend solid waste and move it to the drain field, where they can clog the lines and cause system failure. The septic tank pumping process is much easier and less expensive than dealing with the damage caused by a failed septic system.

If your septic system isn’t pumped out when it should be, the bacteria and other toxic compounds in the sewage will enter groundwater supplies, where they can contaminate drinking water. If you have a well, this could affect the health and safety of your family members and neighbors.